



A few projects I’ve been a part of while attending

The University of Oregon




BFIGGY is a small sports production company started by my friend Brayden Figueroa and myself.


Spring 2019 I was a producer for the UO Theatre Department’s Campaign of Machinal. This was a multi-day shoot that included photos and videos. On set we ran in to some difficult situations, but we were able to work around the barriers and create a very aesthetically pleasing campaign. My team included:

  • Co-Producer: Brayden Figueroa

  • Account Manager: Mariel Cathcart

  • Art Director: Natalie Cedillo

  • Copywriter: Brandon Bullas



During my second year of College, a few friends and I decided to take a day trip to the Painted Hills. We spent a few hours there, creating content to share with out friends. I had so much fun on this trip and I really hope to do another one again this year!

My Team on this trip:

  • Henry Ammann

  • Brayden Figueroa

  • Hayden Sahli


SUMMER 2019 I worked at the University of Oregon’s Youth Camp, Duck Trails. Every Friday we would have a themed day in which the kids and counselors would dress up and participate in activities that matched the theme! For one of our weeks we had a Color Fun Day and I got the opportunity to make a little recap of they day!


Kesem is a great organization that supports families with cancer. Every summer at different universities across the country students help run an overnight camp for kids that have a family member with cancer. This camp creates an environment that allows the kids to have a week of fun and worry-free living, a place where they can be themselves and open up about their family situation. I have worked with the University of Oregon chapter since my freshman year. This is a video from 2019’s Giving Tuesday. Take a look at the website to learn more


Every year my Fraternity does our philanthropy to raise money for Camp Kesem. For the past two years we have done a volleyball tournament called Delta Sigma Spike. This was a quick little Instagram Ad I made to promote our event.


One Tuesday morning I woke up and got a text message from a random number asking if I wanted to shoot Pure Luxury (who was opening for YG) in Portland, at the Roseland Theater. I was in Eugene at school and I didn’t own a car. I wasn’t sure if I could make it in time. So, I asked if they could get me two extra tickets and then I could find a friend to drive. Luckily one of my friends is a HUGE YG fan so he was very down to go see him for free. We ended up driving to Portland meeting up with another friend and staying for the whole show! I was able to get footage of all the openers and YG! The show ended around midnight and we didn’t get back until 2:00am. It was a very long night but so worth the spontaneous adventure.


My freshman year I decided to join a fraternity. It was one of the best decisions I’ve made in college. It has brought me so many opportunities to learn new skills, network with new people, and even get/give job opportunities. This is the video I made for Fall Rush 2019.