Just a brown kid from the burbs.

Making something new every day.

If you’d like to connect, please reach me at:

Hi I’m Shareef,

In my youth, I learned a lot about the world and how people interact, simply by creating and consuming art. Whether it be through Film & TV, Photography, Design, Drawing & Painting, or Music. I understand everybody has a story, and if we just listen and learn from each other's stories, we can help one another feel more included in our socially segregated society. We need more diversity and inclusion in this world and I want to bring that to people through my art.

My most favorite thing in the world is getting a group of my talented friends, with different backgrounds, and completely different life experiences together to collaborate on a project.

I am a multi-disciplinary artist, with a focus on Directing and Producing. Having experience in all mediums (from the performing arts, to ceramics and sculpture, to digital art and film) allows me to have a holistic approach to every project I take on. With the background I have in various artforms, I excel as a problem-solver and out of the box thinker. I am innately skilled at leading and collaborating with creative teams in fast-paced environments to create engaging, impactful content from concept to completion.